Kamis, 29 September 2011

Dance jaipong

Jaipongan is a school dance that was created by the creativity of an artist from Bandung (West Java). His attention to folk art, especially the people of Indonesia as a land of which he particularly daearah West Java (Bandung), Among them is the art of Tap Tilu know and know very well create a dance movement patterns found in art Kliningan / Tanjidoran or Tap Tilu. Opening the movement, pencugan, nibakeun and some kind of art movement some mincid above has been enough to develop inspiration
and an overview to the art of dance or art that is now known as Jaipongan.

In Subang (West Java) style Jaipongan "Kaleran" has the characteristics of a fun, erotic, passion, humor, spontaneity, and anxiety. This is reflected in the pattern and made the presentation of dance on the show, there poladan given the structure (Ibing pattern) as in art Jaipongan in Bandung (West Java), also there are also dances that are not patterned (Ibing Saka), for example in art Jaipongan Subang and Falkirk. This term can be found in Jaipongan kaleran style, especially in the area of ​​Subang (West Java).

From the beginning of the dance was born Jaipongan Jaipong there are some skilled dancers like Tati Saleh, Yeti Mamat, Eli Somali, and Dedi Pepen Kirniadi. The presence of dance Jaipongan a significant contribution to the art lovers of dance to more actively explore the types of folk dances that were previously lacking in the note and a little neglected by the society has been the emergence of this Jaipongan setempat.Dengan dance that many are made outside the formal school programs and dance Jaipongan, and widely used by employers to feed the guests who were invited, also can be used as an entertainment business that is sufficient demand by indigenous peoples.

Further developments of this type of business opportunities created by the dance as an activist by the name of economic empowerment of Dance Studio or groups in some areas of West Java, for example in Subang with Jaipongan style "kaleran" (north).Which often showed his creation ungdangan in front of guests.

  Structure or part of the dancers Jaipongan consists of a single, Rampak / colossal
a. Similar Rampak
b. Rampak pairs
c. Single men and single women
d. Paired male / female
   Musicians who play instruments and musical performances Jaipongan consist of simple to use tilu press
    To fully use the gamelan musicians commonly used in puppets, shadow puppets, puppet shows such as musical instruments
2.sarin I, II
10. Alok Interpreter
   jaipongan dance clothing for the new creation is usually different from the mode tilu press for a more glamorous creations usually while wearing patterns tradisionalseperti sinjang / trousers, kebaya / apok decoration that looks way more grandiose but more free to move. In line with the times then dance jaipongan we often encounter on the show celebration also featured in an inn or a luxury-class hotel and to welcome guests from many different countries.

Jaipongan dance at this point can be called as one of the typical dance of West Java (Bandung), see important events had guests from foreign countries who came to West Java, was always greeted with Jaipongan dance because this dance is a dance typical of the local community. Dance Jaipongan lot of influence on the arts, other arts that exist in West Java, both on the art of wayang, gamelan, and other Genjring has even collaborated with modern dangdut by Mr Nur and Leni to become an art-pong Dut.Dan that in recent years often at a show in celebration, party of the people, or even on television shows both local or private.
Hopefully this dance can be developed and could be an attraction for foreign tourists coming to Indonesia.

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