Kamis, 29 September 2011

The Origin Puppet Art

1. The origins
The origin of puppet show is not known clearly because there is no complete information, whether written or oral. The presence of puppet show can not be separated from the wayang puppet show skin because it is a progression of shadow puppets.However, Salmun (1986) mentions that in the year 1583 AD Sunan Kudus make puppets out of wood which was then called the puppet show can be staged in the afternoon. In line with that Ismunandar (1988) mentions that at the beginning of the 16th
century Sunan Kudus make up 'puppet Purwo' number of 70 pieces with a story accompanied by gamelan Salendro Menak. The show performed in the daytime. This puppet does not require color. The shape resembles a doll made of wood (instead of leather as well as shadow puppets). So, like a doll. Therefore, it is referred to as a puppet show.

At first the dilakonkan in the puppet show is story banner and puppet show called wayangnya marvelous. That said, this new puppet show there since Panembahan Queen (great-grandson of Sunan Gunung Jati (1540-1650)). There (in the Cirebon area) is called a puppet show or wayang smacking flat because of the shape of his head flat. In the days of Prince Girilaya (1650-1662) puppet comes with a crew cut taken from the Chronicle story and history of the land of Java. Play-play that was delivered at that time revolved around the spread of Islam. Furthermore, the puppet show with the play of Ramayana and Mahabharata (prototype puppet show) who was born in 1840 (Somantri, 1988).

Birth puppet show was initiated by Dalem Karang Anyar (Wiranata Koesoemah III) at the end of his term. At that time ordered Ki Darman Dalem (penyungging shadow puppets from Tegal) living in Cibiru, Ujung Berung, to make puppets out of wood. Who made the original form of puppet-shaped and patterned on a flat leather puppets.However, on further developments, at the instigation of Dalem, Ki Darman create a rounded puppet show are not much different from the puppet show now. Priangan own in the area known at the beginning of the 19th century. Introduction of Sundanese people with puppet show is made possible since the opening of the highway that connects Daendels Priangan coastal areas with mountainous. Original puppet show in Priangan using the Java language. However, after the Sundanese clever a performer, then the language used is language.

2. Golek Puppet Types
There are three types of puppet show, namely: crew cut puppet show, puppet show prototypes, and modern puppet show. Puppet show flat (crew cut) with a story well known in Cirebon chronicle and legend as well as using the language of Cirebon.Puppet show puppet show prototype is specifically the story of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana with the introduction Sundanese as. Meanwhile, like a modern puppet show puppet prototype (the story of Mahabharata and Ramayana, but in the play uses electricity to make the tricks. Making the tricks of the puppet show to adjust to modern life. Wayang puppet initiated by the RU Partasuanda modern and developed by Asep Sunandar years 1970 to 1980.

3. Manufacture
Puppet show is made of albasiah or lame. Making way is to whittle and carve it, until it resembles the desired shape. To color and draw the eyes, eyebrows, lips and motifs in the head puppet, used paint duko. This Cat makes the puppet look brighter. Staining puppet is an important part because it can produce a range of character figures. The basic colors are commonly used in puppet there are four, namely: red, white, prada, and black.

4. Cultural Values

This Video Puppet Art Show :

Puppet show as an art contains not only the aesthetic value alone, but includes all the values ​​contained in the supporting community. These values ​​were socialized by the artists and artists who carry the code of conduct puppetry puppetry. Code of ethics of puppetry is called "Seven Precepts of Honor artist artist puppetry West Java". The formulation of the code of conduct is the result of deliberation of puppetry artists puppetry artists on February 28, 1964 in Bandung. Its contents are as follows: One: Artists and puppetry artists are true artists because it should maintain its value. Two: Educate the public. That is why obligated to give examples, either in speech or behavior. Three: Interpreting torch. Was therefore required to convey messages or help the government and spreading the ideals of any nation state to the public. Four: Social Indonesia. Because it is required to hold the soul mutual assistance in all problems.Five: Susilawan. Required to keep ethics in society. Six: Have your own personality, it is required to maintain the personality of its own and the nation. Seven: Setiawan. Then required to submit and obey, and respect the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as against the customs of the nation.

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